
STI Engineering has extensive experience and a proven track record across a range of engineering services. With more than 100 years combined experience, our engineers can assist with custom product design, start-to-finish project management, system design, acceptance testing, commissioning and implementation.

STI Engineering implements a tight engineering paradigm to all projects undertaken. Our Engineering process allows for high levels of customer interaction and minimises project technical risk while increasing final product and system quality. The process enables predictable project timelines and outcomes in accordance with customer requirements.

Projects typically progress through requirement specification, top level design, Alpha and Beta development, testing procedures and finally commercial development and release. The result is a product or system with the required manufacturability, testability, maintainability and commercial parameters for a successful project outcome.

Custom Product Design & Manufacture Custom Product Design & Manufacture

System Design & Communications Consultancy System Design & Communications Consultancy

Start to Finish Project Management Start to Finish Project Management